What fantastic Power of Women sessions in St. Bede’s and St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary schools, where we worked with all their Year 5 pupils on the Power of Women Campaign (PoW) and the Primary School Ambassador Program. The main aims of the Primary School Ambassador Program is to boost aspirations, ensure equal opportunities for all students, and challenge gender stereotypes. It’s an inclusive program for all pupils, allowing them to delve deeply into the concept of equality – especially gender equality – during our school sessions conducted by Spark Tees Valley.

Today, we had the honor of returning to select four ambassadors to represent their schools which are part of the Bishop Hogarth Catholic Academy Trust.

We were fortunate to have Liza from Active Financials and Mrs Duffield the Headteacher of St Bede’s with us, assisting in the interview process, giving the students a firsthand experience of what a real interview entails. All the Year 5 students, brimming with excitement, eagerly entered the interview room one by one, and we faced the extremely challenging decision of selecting four ambassadors from each school due to the exceptional quality of the students’ application forms and their confident interviews on the day!

What amazing sessions at these two outstanding schools, delving into the concept of equality and facilitating interviews for the Primary Ambassador Program, nurturing our future leaders!