School Support

So what does our 25+ years of experience working with schools offer:

  • We work with Primary, Secondary and Special schools, colleges and Universities….anyone to be honest!
  • Qualified teachers with experience in multiple year groups and schools
  • Progressive, curriculum focussed resources with simple walk through guides for teachers to use when they need them
  • Bespoke support for using technology effectively in the classroom through teacher planning sessions, CPD and working in the classroom with the children as a role model/support for teachers
  • Engaging work with teachers to reinvigorate use of iPads beyond accessing web resources and using the camera
  • Strategic planning and implementation support for projects in schools based on developing cultural capital, STEM engagement, aspirations and awareness of the world of work
  • CPD sessions
  • Media support to schools ranging from film work with pupils to developing teacher skills
  • Organising events and projects in school focussed on career related learning
  • Providing resources that develop children’s understanding and awareness of the world of work and how it relates to their skills and interests
  • Showcase assembly style/class events focussed on a range of careers and subjects

Longer term projects or creation of resources are based on time commitments agreed by Spark Tees Valley and the school at the planning stage of any work.

What does this cost?

Time CommitmentCost
Day of support£350 (£300 for subscribed schools)
Half day £180 (£160 for subscribed schools)
(typically 1530 – 1700)
£180 (£150 for subscribed schools)

Website access for all staff per year

School CategoryCost per year
School under 100 pupils£280
SEND school£280
Mainstream Primary£350
Mainstream Middle School£450
Mainstream Secondary£550
All prices are subject to VAT

We have made the pricing as cheap as we dare to remove the barrier of ‘can we afford it’. Because we have tried to keep the cost down, we do not offer discounts for Trusts or groups of schools signing up because we would rather that schools knew that everyone is paying the same depending on the table above. We like to be completely honest and straightforward with people not have the option to ‘haggle’ deals by inflating the price in the first place.

If you aren’t sure if we can help but would like to have a natter please contact us: