Today was the last stop, at Lockwood Primary School in Boosbeck, for our ‘Energy Academy’ workshops funded by Redcar and Cleveland College. Over the last three months, we’ve worked with almost 30 schools and nearly 1300 pupils.
Today, at our final session, the Year 6s from Lockwood Primary School blew us away with their communication and problem-solving skills and also their impeccable manners as well as their natural thirst for learning and consuming knowledge.
These inquisitive Year 6 children had a very impressive knowledge base to build from for this interactive science session and we could see them making connections between previous learning taught in the classroom.
Throughout the morning, they became ‘Energy Engineers’ and independently planned and built their own working model of a wind farm, carefully considering the financial and ethical implications of different routes. Their teamwork and communication skills were off the charts and each group listened carefully to all its members before making their final decisions. Millie, who was taking part in the session, commented saying, “We worked well together in teams to complete the tasks and we made sure every voice in our group was heard.”
They also learned all about renewable energy and the important role plays in Teesside before learning some of the mechanics behind the technology fueling today’s automotive revolution while setting up their own hydrogen-powered car. Then it was time for the Hydrogen Grand Prix which Riley from Year 6 told us, “This is not something you get to do every day at school and it was my highlight!”
Using the process of water electrolysis, separating hydrogen from water, and then recombining these elements, they had the power to make their hydrogen-powered cars move before racing them in the Hydrogen Grand Prix! Emerging victorious was the car named after the British Chemist Rosalind Franklin for the longest-running car powered by hydrogen!
Looking ahead, they even considered the use of hydrogen as a fuel of the future! The children were extremely inquisitive asking many important questions throughout the session.
We have definitely worked with some young scientists of the future today!