What a great way to start the new half term working with the fantastic KS2 children at Wilton Primary on another TVCA funded Enterprise Day. New challenge for me today was running it with years 3-6 all in one classroom! Was it a problem? No of course not!
Yes I have been working with children in schools for a quarter of a century (this year!) but tbh it wouldn’t have mattered because the ethos of the classroom was absolutely spot on. The school already embraces opportunities to develop children’s aspirations and the related attitudes and dispositions that go with that and today felt like it complemented that well. I just add another angle with the experience and knowledge that I use to contextualise the local economy and future developments. Of course the hands on VR authoring could have presented me with a problem but motivated learners don’t see problems. Yes they make mistakes but I actively encourage that and I think you will see from the pictures below (and the work at the bottom of the post) that in under an hour, the children were able to focus on creative ideas, work through challenges and deliver something really amazing. The staff who supported the day were fantastic as usual and really got involved, learning alongside the children. I suspect that it won’t be the last time that Reality Composer is used in Wilton this Term!
And to access their work please click on the link below (remember to ‘Open in Notes’):