PD Ports – Where in the World

You don’t ‘learn geography’ in one lesson. It is the repeated use of maps and locations that starts to build up your internal mental geography. These challenges are designed to be used little and often. Maybe once a week as ‘morning work’, maybe once a week as a set time slot, maybe once a half term as ‘let’s do the next 5’.

They can be used as a whole class introduction, followed by the children then working independently (you will need extension tasks to keep them all engaged), or even set independently, just let them work through. There is a document supplied below for children to record their findings. Although Google Earth hosts the main map, it is recommended to use Apple or Google maps on whichever device you have for the children to search. There are different versions for different purposes: which suits you best?

Version of map with locations named so that teachers can pick where to visit and use as a whole class discussion. Ideal for KS1

Mystery search version linked to recording document for children below. Ideal for KS2 – capital cities and continents Britain and Europe first, then wider)

Bingo version! Doesn’t link to the map but directly to the videos. Different way of playing or re-visiting the tasks in a different way to deepen learning

Keynote version for children to record their work

Powerpoint version for children to record their work