We spend a huge amount of our time working directly with you! Details of funded events and projects will appear when they are announced on the blog posts on the main homepage of this website. We also have an extensive mailing list with over 700 teachers on it that you can join for early bird access, just contact us.
Much of our time is spent directly in classrooms like yours. The menu below lists some of the focussed support we offer this year but as always, please just ask if you would like support around computing, aspirations and developing cultural capital. Most of our work ends up being pretty bespoke anyway.
Examples of in school sessions
Look at our ‘News’ section to see examples of other activities you can book for your class.
We charge £350 for each day that we come into school and supply all equipment required over and above normal classroom resources. (Spark subscribed schools get a preferential rate)
For more information or to book a day please contact:
A day in school typically starts at 9am and ends at 3pm.